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Fearless Blue: Jul 9 5318
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Corporations in The United Kingdom of Saolo

Number of Corporations in your Country  22Number of Corporations
Number of State Controlled Corporations  21Number of State Corporations
Number of CEO Controlled Corporations  1Number of Private Corporations
Number of National Corporations  0 
Number of Employees in all Corporations  7,156,556Employees in Corporations
Number of Employees in State Controlled Corporations  6,838,106Employees in State Corporations
Number of Employees in CEO Controlled Corporations  318,450Employees in Private Corporations
Tax Percentage  30 
Profit Contributions by State Controlled Corporations  50 
About Corporations
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The Corporations

sort corporations by name
sort corporations by product
  State Corporations
    Name Value   Unsold Products Supplies Production Hiring
image Maura Road Maintenance 607.49B SC$   None OK 107 % 100 %
image Fukuda Traintracks maintenance 602.86B SC$   None OK 107 % 100 %
image Balator Water maintenance 599.01B SC$   None low 107 % 100 %
image Bastilia Meat 533.99B SC$   None OK 107 % 100 %
image Marrat Other Food Products 568.34B SC$   None low 107 % 100 %
image Portofo Clothes 440.01B SC$   None low 107 % 100 %
image Weizmir Electronic Components 221.26B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Charlston Home Equipment 304.39B SC$   None low 107 % 100 %
image Clinton Home Equipment 271.43B SC$   None OK 85 % 100 %
image Ford Home Equipment 350.26B SC$   None low 107 % 100 %
image Windoria Industrial Equipment 310.81B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Zinndorf Industrial Equipment 258.33B SC$   None low 107 % 100 %
image Rolan Steel 199.12B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Fernando Jewelry 318.10B SC$   None low 107 % 100 %
image Pinto Hill Luxury Goods 263.11B SC$   None OK 107 % 100 %
image Hazu Services 547.46B SC$   None OK 107 % 100 %
image Sierravista Vacation 547.75B SC$   None low 107 % 100 %
image Tohara Trucks 431.52B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Alexandria Car Engines 380.84B SC$   None shortage 107 % 100 %
image Wellington Ammunition Componen 315.06B SC$   None OK 85 % 100 %
image Angelica Batteries 232.28B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %

  Privately Held Corporations
    Name Value   Unsold Products Supplies Production Hiring
image Palladino Wind Turbines 177.84B SC$   None OK 109 % 100 %

No new corporations are currently under construction.

There are no pending requests to locate corporations in The United Kingdom of Saolo.

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